Things are moving now ...
What's New with Me and Willa?
Big things have been happening. We have a new name for the first book, the designer is working on finalizing the cover, and we have a tentative release date. First, did you check out my guest blog post on the Wicked Cozy Authors blog on February 10th? It was part of a series they did inviting in-between authors (those who have signed their contract but who don't have a published book yet) to talk about about their experiences called After the Contract. I wrote it before my publisher's internal launch meeting so I was in a bit of an anxious state, which isn't at all unusual for me. On to the results of the launch meeting: we have a new title which I adore! What Doesn't Kill You perfectly encapsulates the story and the character of Willa Pennington. They also talked cover ideas, which my publisher graciously invited me to have input on, and settled on several they wanted to play with. I was excited about all of them.
A little over a week later the ideas were presented to me. We narrowed it from the five they had done up to one and there was an art meeting. A few days later there were four options of that one cover design idea. But there was really only one .... The only way I can describe it was that it was love at first sight - I was shaking, my hands were sweating, and I had butterflies in my stomach. I just knew we were destined for each other. Happily, my amazing editor agrees so as soon as it's all finalized there will be a cover reveal on Dru's Book Musings. In addition to being a huge asset to the mystery community Dru Ann is like family so there was never a question about who I wanted to show the world my cover. And, last but not least, the release date is scheduled for early February 2018 - less than 11 months now. I'm terribly excited.
Until next time, Aimee