Less than Four Months now!
Giveaway Results ... in just a few minutes.

First I wanted to catch you up.
I'm currently reviewing the edited layout. Back in June, I ran an edit with Amazing Editor, Nicole. This was after the ARCs were printed so that version in the basket and the edited layout (which looks exactly like a book would just printed on 8X11.5 paper) are different - typos/inadvertent words have been fixed (you meant 'to' instead of 'do', right?), some phrasing has been changed, little things. Amazing Editor, Nicole, is amazing. She gets me and Willa in a very real and basic way. The first week of September, I got to speak with Midnight Ink's new publicist - the fantastic, Dana Kaye of Kaye Publicity. She went through the material that had already been worked up, put her own fantastic spin on everything, and calmed my many worries about being an introvert having to extrovert. She's amazing at her job and though I've never been publicized before, I can say that she's enthusiastic, calming, smart, funny, and dedicated. If you need publicizing, she's who you want. In two weeks and two days, I fly to Toronto for Bouchercon. My first Bouchercon! I've had plans to go in the past but things intervened. Crossing every finger and toe that nothing happens this year because I'm really excited. I'm also pre-registered for Bouchercon 2018 and I just made my hotel reservation mere moments ago. Malice Domestic 30 (April 27th - 29th, 2018) will be my first as a published author with a book out and my 13th overall. I am so happy the co-worker who brought me for the first time never gave up insisting that I needed to attend. She was right. Malice is my home, my tribe, my origin story. The family I have that is not my blood or legally tied to me are my gift from Malice. I hope to see you all there because it is a really wonderful place.
If you attend any conference/convention that I'm attending, please come up and introduce yourself. I may not be as witty or funny as I'd like on the first take (the magic is made in edits, my friends) but I will always be sincerely happy to meet you.
And, without further ado, please congratulate Celia Fowler as the winner of the very first What Doesn't Kill You giveaway. Thank you to everyone who signed up to enter. And, of course, there will be more giveaways coming.
Until next time, Aimee