Six Months to Go
Saturday, July 8th, was the six month mark before What Doesn't Kill You is officially released. Wow! It makes sense because six months is when it all starts going and I sent back my first round of edits back on Monday. Friday, Super Editor (aka Terri Bischoff) posted the Winter 2018 Midnight Ink lineup with eight continuing series and five new series, one of which is mine along with some other new authors and a new series by a person I’m sure you’ve all heard of, Catriona McPherson.

(photo courtesy of Terri Bischoff)
Yup, those are ARCs. I have ARCs. They’re printed up and ready to send out to reviewers.
Which will happen this week. This week. Review copies go out this week. I keep saying it but I don’t really believe it.
For so long it was just in my head. Then it was words on a screen. Then it was a stack of paper I printed out in my office. But now, it’s really real. My book is actually a book. With that gorgeous cover on it and back copy and it’s more real now than it was when I saw it was up on websites for pre-order. But it doesn’t feel quite real … almost like it’s happening to another person.
I know my friend Kellye Garrett understands. Her Midnight Ink book, Hollywood Homicide, releases in just a month - August 8th. I’d urge you to check it out because it’s getting great reviews and it’s the perfect book to read lounging in the summer sun.
The pace is starting to pick up now - review copies going out (paper and NetGalley); I have been told by Awesome Publicist that there’s a Goodreads ARC giveaway coming; Oh, I have a GoodReads page now; I got all the Pre-Order links up on the website; and I’ve gotten some really amazing blurbs from super talented people that I’ll be adding to the website as soon as Awesome Publicist says I can put them up. And I got my first GoodReads review.

We've spent the last couple of weekends working on our backyard - clearing debris and replacing our fence in preparation for building out new deck and patio (with a firepit, I feel so fancy) - so we were pretty exhausted when that review came through yesterday evening. I've reserved celebrating until my back doesn't feel like the revival casts of Riverdance and Stomp had a dance-off on my lumbar region. But it's pretty awesome. I like this feeling. I wouldn't mind more of it.